Milan Nemec برنامه ها

Airport Distance 2.6.4
Milan Nemec
Airport Distance is a great APP for pilots toget a good overview when planning trips. It is developed by pilotsfor pilots. It helps with an answer to the usual questions like:When do we need to leave Paris to arrive in Moscow at 1600 localtime? ...or We will leave Paris at 1200 local time, but when willwe arrive in Moscow?Based on user inputs of the departure and destination airports,and a required arrival time, or a required departure time - the appcalculates the flight distance and time and the required departuretime from the departure airport, or the planned arrival time at thedestination airport. All times are given in both GMT and LocalTime. The distance between the departure and destination airportscan be compensated for departure and arrival routings (SID and STARcompensation) and ATC routing (great circle distance compensationin percent). The flight time can be compensated for aircraftaverage cruise speed (user entry), winds (head or tailwindcompensation) and airport taxi times (user entry).The calculation will also give information on airport positions,GMT offset, sunrise and sunset as well as the latest METAR, TAF andNOTAMS that are fetched behind the scenes when the airports areentered. A special feature is the ETP calculation, that willcalculate the ETP point referenced to the departure airport. TheETP point is useful when searching for a fuelstop or just wants toknow the midpoint on the route when taking account of the wind. Thewhole routing and ETP point, as well as en-route alternateairports, are shown on a map for a good overview.Application is free and ad-free, but you can support it byin-app donations.